System Switch Notice!
Hello! To those of you who are new to our business or did NOT get an email about our system switch, we have officially moved to a new system called Gingr. To access Gingr please download the Gingr for Pet Parents App or go to this link: The invite code if needed is 996818.
Dog Day Care Center
Welcome to The Pawz Café
Welcome to working with The Pawz Cafe!
We look forward to getting to know you and your dog and helping you reach your training goals. This page will give you an overview of what to expect while working with us.
If this is your first experience working with a professional dog trainer, congrats! You’re helping your pooch to live a happier and safer life.
Please keep in mind that our pets are susceptible to colds and other commutable viruses. While we do our very best to keep our dogs happy and healthy throughout all seasons, veterinarians are seeing an alarming rise in upper respiratory infections. These present as runny noses, clearing of the throat, coughing and or sneezing. What this means is even dogs that are fully vaccinated may be at risk as well!
We are asking for YOUR help as well. PLEASE double your vet records and please include Canine Influenza. While all of these viruses can be completely treatable, we would like to prevent the spread as much as possible. If we do not have the most up to date copy of your vaccine, please upload them to your profile, or email them to us. Thank you for your help and understanding!
– The Pawz Cafe Team
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